Definition of En route

1. Adverb. On a route to some place. "We saw him on the way to California"

Exact synonyms: On The Way

Definition of En route

1. Adjective. On the way. ¹

2. Adjective. along the way; ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of En Route

en dashes
en deshabille
en famille
en flute
en garde
en grappe
en pointe
en prise
en quad
en quads
en rapport
en route
en space
en spaces
en suite
en thyrse
enabling act
enabling clause
enabling legislation

Literary usage of En route

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Library of the World's Best Literature: Ancient and Modern by Edward Cornelius Towne (1898)
"It is a «surfeit of supernaturalism producing a mental nausea.» 'en route' depicts the «religious» conversion of a young debauché of Paris, ..."

2. Transportation Expressions (1996) by Richard Feldman (1998)
"(FAA3) en route Descent: Descent from the en route cruising altitude which takes place along the route of flight. (FAA4) en route Facility Activity: Total ..."

3. The Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris: Minister of the United States to by Gouverneur Morris (1888)
"Rhyming letter written en route. Letter to Lady Sutherland. Sir Gilbert Elliot. Keeps Lord Grenville informed of his conversations with public men. ..."

4. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War by Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buel (1887)
"... General Harper that he was to take chief command, and that full written instructions would reach him en route. He waited till after dark, ..."

5. The Literary Digest History of the World War: Compiled from Original and (1919)
"INFANTRY RESTING en route TO THE FRONT these points decided upon. Plans for the consolidation of captured territory were elaborately considered, ..."

6. Narrative of Military Operations, Directed, During the Late War Between the by Joseph Eggleston Johnston (1874)
"While en route to Mississippi, ordered to take direct Command of General Bragg's Army.—Events in Mississippi.—General Pemberton's Dispatches. ..."

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